10 сентября 2021

A grant of 150 million rubles was received for the development of research programs in AI

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A joint development of Petrozavodsk State University and K-SkAI LLC (Webiomed project), the resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, have received funding in the amount of 150 million rubles (2 mln USD) for the development of a unique scientific installation in the biomedical field.

To achieve the national goal of ensuring the presence of the Russian Federation among the ten leading countries in the world in terms of research and development, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is carrying out a set of measures to develop centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and unique scientific installations.

In April of 2021, a contest of projects for the right to receive grants in the field of science to ensure the development of material and technical infrastructure was announced. The leading research universities of the country took part in the competition for grants.

The participants of the competition had to proof the relevance and value of their research, as well as indicate a list of areas of application.

Unique scientific installation is a multicomponent hardware and software complex, which is a unified research platform for a comprehensive study of a person in the "molecule - cell - tissue - organ - organism - environment" system, performing the following tasks:

  • automated collection, storage, labelling of research and clinical biomedical data;
  • data analysis based on artificial intelligence algorithms and predictive analytics;
  • introduction of innovative technologies in research and educational activities, practical medicine and real clinical practice;
  • the formation of a scientific and academic medical cluster.

The Webiomed predictive analytics and risk management platform integrated into this complex allows the use of artificial intelligence methods to analyze data, determine the risks of developing diseases and their complications.

Webiomed is the first Russian artificial intelligence system for healthcare, which has successfully passed independent clinical trials and is registered by Roszdravnadzor as a software medical device. At the moment, the system supports 14 diseases in terms of assessing the risks of their development or worsening. For 40 more diseases, the system can identify their presence. The main disease areas of the system are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, respiratory diseases, pathology during pregnancy, infectious diseases (COVID-19), and orphan diseases.

Роман Новицкий “Cooperation with Petrozavodsk State University is focused on joint activities and development of projects in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. This, of course, makes it possible to expand the possibilities of the Webiomed platform implementation and to form a stable territorial and industrial partnership between a research organization and a technological company," stated Roman Novitsky, the CEO of K-SkAI LLC.


Воронин А.В. “Thanks to the strong staff of the Medical Institute of Petrozavodsk State University, the project is acquiring a higher scientific component, which will undoubtedly give it significant advantages when introduced into real practice. Further development of predictive medicine together with the creation of mathematical models and algorithms of artificial intelligence will give a large cumulative effect that can significantly facilitate the diagnosis and digitalize a number of areas of healthcare," claimed A.V. Voronin, full professor, the Rector of PetrSU.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Petrozavodsk State University" (PetrSU) is the largest multidisciplinary classical university of the European North of Russia, the flagship University of the Republic of Karelia. Website: https://petrsu.ru


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