15 марта 2020

AI allows predicting complications and minimizing adverse outcomes

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According to the Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko, a unified quality management system will soon be introduced in all medical institutions of Russia. Such a system will digitize the internal processes in hospitals in order to provide patients with high-quality and safe medical care.

In addition, Mikhail Murashko noted that in some cities of the country, developments are already underway to introduce artificial intelligence into the healthcare sector.

"[Artificial intelligence] records data from medical devices, CCTV data, the state of patients in ICU, the actions of staff, the operation of syringe dispensers, and so on. Artificial Intelligence brings it all together and allows us to predict, among other things, the development of complications and [provides ] decision support. This is a new challenge for IT companies that actually work with medical devices: to provide assistance in supporting clinical decision-making in order to minimize adverse outcomes, deaths, complications” he stated.

Source (in Russian): https://tass.ru/nacionalnye-proekty/7926409

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