Alexander Gusev took part in the Physics and Lyrics radio broadcast of the Mayak radio station, hosted by the famous TV presenters Alexander Pushnoy and Margarita Mitrofanova.
The topic of the broadcast was the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
Alexander answered the questions of the hosts, who were interested in what does a doctor needs artificial intelligence for, is there any trust in him from the medical community, how is this technology used now, and what prospects are for the near future.
As Alexander noted: “Any disease is not black-and-white at all. There are many factors that a doctor must consider when prescribing treatment. AI technologies can provide doctors with valuable clues for further action, identifying pathologies at an early stage, or finding predictors of future diseases in medical data. AI can sense micro-changes. For example, seeing changes in the patient's state of health and perceiving them as harbingers of illness. In addition, a doctor can often see a disease only when it has already manifested."
An interesting fact is that, unlike young professionals, older doctors are more loyal to the use of new technologies, including AI.
The radio broadcast is available here (in Russian): https://radiomayak.ru/videos/video/id/2004712/