15 января 2019

Assessment of pneumonia severity have been added to WEBIOMED

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Pneumonia ranks 4th among the causes of death after cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, injuries and poisoning. Many famous people died from pneumonia. For instance: Emperor Nicholas I of Russia, writer Maxim Gorky, physiologist Ivan Pavlov, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

Before the invention of antibiotics, 85 out of 100 cases, 85% of patients died from pneumonia.

The main methods of diagnosis of the disease are x-ray examination of lungs and examination of sputum; the main method of treatment is antibiotics.

Several laboratory scores which are widely used in the world to determine the severity of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and the prognosis of the disease were added to WEBIOMED.

PORT scale (PSI index), which contains 20 clinical, laboratory and radiological signs of community-acquired pneumonia. This scale is found in the literature under two names – the index of the PSI (Pneumonia Severity Index) and the scale of the PORT (Pneumonia Outcomes Research Team). It was developed by M. J. Fine in 1997. Depending on the PSI index, patients with community-acquired pneumonia are divided into five risk groups, which determine the choice of the place of treatment. 

The CURB65 / CRB65 scale, which is a simpler approach for assessing the risk of adverse outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia, and offers only 5 features: impaired consciousness due to pneumonia; increased levels of urea nitrogen, tachypnea, decreased systolic or diastolic blood pressure, age.

The SMART CO / SMART COP Scale is developed by the Australian community-acquired pneumonia working group. It allows us to identify the category of patients who have a high risk of the need for intensive care (mechanical ventilation and/or vasopressor support). 

WEBIOMED (Сlinical Decision Support System) is a service that allows you to automatically determine risk stratification, timely identifying high-risk patients, reduces the likelihood of adverse outcomes.

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