10 сентября 2021

Webiomed was presented at the “Digital Level Up” session of the healthcare industry in Ulyanovsk

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On September 9, “Digital Level Up of the region. Ulyanovsk region. Healthcare” strategic session was held. It was aimed at introducing a single digital platform for all healthcare organizations in the region.

Digital Level Up of the region. Ulyanovsk region

Among the participants of the event there were Alexander Gashkov, the current Minister of Health of the Ulyanovsk Region, Vadim Pavlov, the CEO of the Agency for Technological Development of the Ulyanovsk Region, Yana Vansovskaya, the COO of Corporate University of the Ulyanovsk Region, Mikhail Levin, the Head of the Center for Digital Transformation of the Healthcare Sector of the Ministry of Health of Russia Mikhail Levin. Representatives of leading Russian IT companies and development institutions, employees of public and private medical organizations were present as well. The intensive session was moderated by Alexander Zorin, Regional Development Director of the Digital Economy organization.

Alexander Zorin

The event was organized by the Corporate University of the Ulyanovsk Region, which has been implementing the Effective Organization of Healthcare and Public Health program for several years. This program accepts physicians, department heads and active young professionals who want to improve the provision of medical care.

The session discussed the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the healthcare sector of the region and presented digital solutions from Russian developers.
Further, the best proposals will be selected and introduced into the health sector of the region.

Digital Level Up of the region. Ulyanovsk region. Healthcare

Webiomed was presented by Andrey Salikov, the Chief Commercial Officer of the project. The Webiomed platform allows AI to process anonymized health data, identify suspicions of diseases and health risk factors as well as determine possible development of diseases and complications using predictive models.


Source (in Russian): https://med.ulgov.ru/news/16549/

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