12 сентября 2019

We have collaborated with Socmedica on the implementation of joint projects in CDSS development

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The K-Lab and Socmedica companies have signed a partnership agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint projects in the field of digital medicine.

We are planning to develop cooperation in two main directions:

  1. Integration of CDSS Webiomed with UMKB (United Medical Knowledge Base) in order to develop opportunities for Webiomed in extracting unstructured electronic health information from medical records and improve the accuracy of prediction.
  2. Integration of "Electronic clinical pharmacologist" (EKF) with CDSS Webiomed to provide additional functionality for users.

UMKB is the flagship platform of the Socmedica company. It uses an ontological model of knowledge representation thereby transforming and combining the extracted knowledge and clinical experience of medical experts into a single semantic network.

More information about the platform on the website https://www.umkb.com/.

The ECF (https://www.ecp.umkb.com/) service will allow doctors to have access to the directory of medicines, recommendations on the prescription of medicines, contraindications, and restrictions to use taking into account diseases from their workplaces. 

Both companies hope for active cooperation that will help them to deepen and develop their specialization, as well as to offer regional customers and individual medical organizations a unique software product.

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