An expert session was held at the Data Economy platform. It was dedicated to the discussion of the draft order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia "On approval of the Rules for determining whether the projects supported by the FASIE (The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises) and the Skolkovo Foundation within the framework of the Artificial Intelligence federal project of the national program Data Economy of the Russian Federation are the projects in the field of artificial intelligence".
Healthcare companies, including our company, K-SkAI LLC (Webiomed project), were invited to analyze the criteria for referring to artificial intelligence presented in the draft order.
Webiomed Chief Commercial Officer Andrey Salikov took part in the discussion.
During the discussion, the participants spoke about the draft order and, in particular, about issues related to the support of AI projects through the tools of various programs, including those within the framework of the Data Economy national program.
The issues of attributing projects to the field of artificial intelligence, the list of basic AI technologies, criteria for compliance with process tasks, the significance of the result of project implementation with the requirements of the economic and social effect of the AI solution were considered during the discussion as well.
Source (in Russian):
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