21 января 2020

We took part in the Healthy Moscow Assembly

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Our Company's expert Alexander Gusev took part in the XVIII Healthy Moscow Assembly, which took place from January 16 to January 19, 2020, in Moscow.

This is the largest event in medicine, which makes it possible to learn something new about the technologies of the future of diagnostics, treatment, organization of patient care, etc.

During four days, more than 90 discussions and thematic sessions with leading experts and 14 open lectures with internationally known experts were organized for the participants and guests of the Assembly. The program of the event covered almost every area of modern medicine: cardiology, endocrinology, pediatrics, neonatology, surgery, obstetrics, traumatology, resuscitation, etc. One of the key points of the program this year was digital medicine.

Our colleague Alexander Gusev was a speaker of two discussions, that being System of support for medical decisions and Big data in healthcare.


Issues related to the CDDS were discussed as well, in particular: how such systems change the work of medical professionals and medical institutions, whether the implementation of such services is effective. Examples of such Russian and foreign systems were presented. The discussions raised questions about the use of big data in healthcare as well as about technologies that are used in medicine in Russia and abroad.

Within the framework of the roundtable "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare", Olga Belorus, the Head of Medical Center for Information and Analysis of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug spoke about cooperation with the National Base of Medical Knowledge Association on the implementation of artificial intelligence systems in clinical practice and preventive medicine.

Big Data Roundtable

The project of YNAO used our Webiomed CDSS to enhance the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the solution of our partner, Botkin.Ai system to identify suspected cancer cases using lung CT.

Website of the Healthy Moscow XVIII Assembly: https://moscowhealth.ru/

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