28 октября 2020

We took part in the Skolkovo business mission to Switzerland

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The Webiomed team took part in the Skolkovo online business mission to Switzerland, which took place on October 26-27, 2020.

The virtual platform brought together Russian AI projects and more than 30 technology companies from Switzerland and other European countries. interested in using artificial intelligence technologies.

Skolkovo Business Mission

Source: https://old.sk.ru/

On October 27, individual meetings were held between Skolkovo residents and representatives of European companies. 

The event was attended by five Skolkovo startups, including Webiomed.


The business mission was organized by the Skolkovo Foundation to promote Russian innovative developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) at the international arena and to attract the attention of the technology community to the UN SDGs.

The event was organized with the participation of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation of Switzerland SERI, the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse, the industry associations SwissCognitive and Digital Switzerland, as well as a number of Swiss Chambers of Commerce.

Source (in Russian): https://old.sk.ru

Pitch session: https://www.youtube.com:

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