13 сентября 2021

Webiomed is a leading Russian startup in the field of artificial intelligence for healthcare

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K-SkAI LLC, a resident of Skolkovo Foundation and the developer of the Webiomed machine learning-based predictive analytics and risk assessment platform for healthcare, took first place in the Russian ranking of AI startups in the healthcare sector, according to a study published on the Evercare portal.

The authors of the study examined 21 notable AI startups that contribute to improving the quality of medical care in general. Based on the assessment carried out, the described products were considered in terms of 4 criteria:

  • Company prospects (market size, competitors, etc.)
  • Current results of product and company development (revenue, number of regions where it is used, certification, protection of intellectual property, victories in industry competitions)
  • Team competence (number of publications, scientometric indexes)
  • Investment valuation (received investments, grants)

The first place went to the Webiomed project representing the predictive analytics sector.

The Webiomed platform is designed to automatically analyze anonymized medical data in order to predict the possible development of diseases and their complications at the personal and population level. Artificial intelligence technologies are actively used in the system, including NLP and machine learning. It is the first Russian artificial intelligence system for healthcare, which has successfully passed independent clinical trials and is registered by Roszdravnadzor as a software medical device. At the moment, the system supports 40 diseases and is already used in 10 regions of the Russian Federation.

Alexsander Gusev“The Webiomed project is developing since 2018. During these years, we have created a system that is already being used in several regions. This year we have added new services to our system: an improved analysis of unstructured medical data, and the Analytics module for support of management decisions. We pay special attention to the protection of intellectual property, obtaining certification, active publication, and development of our project. The first place in the rating is the result of fruitful work and the merit of the entire Webiomed team! I thank the project team for the excellent result!”- commented Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Business Development Officer.

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