07 октября 2021

Webiomed management analytics service has been updated

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The Webiomed platform includes a new version of the management analytics service designed to support management decisions based on collected digital twins of patients and a comprehensive assessment of their risks.

Now, in the Personal Account of the Webiomed platform, the user has access to general statistics on healthcare organizations connected to Webiomed, registered patients, and the total and a daily number of requests to the platform.

General statistics _ Webiomed

What is more, the dynamics of the system usage by months and by user scenarios are presented as visual diagrams.

In the Analytics module, a user can learn about the main indicators of data analysis and detailed analytics for a specific group of diseases within a region or a specific healthcare organization.

Общая статистика по подключенным организациям_ Webiomed.Analytics

Analytics by disease group reflects information on the number of patients with registered diseases, identified risk groups, and risk factors for a given disease area.

Основныйе показатели анализа данных Webiomed.Analytics

For registered diseases, detailed information on the percentage distribution of patients by specific diseases and by age groups is available.


For risk groups, detailed information on the percentage distribution of patients by specific risk groups, by age groups, and by a healthcare organization or several organizations in the user's region is available.


For risk factors, detailed information on the percentage distribution of patients by specific risk factors and by age groups is available.



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