17 ноября 2021

Webiomed platform was localized for English-speaking countries

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The new version of Webiomed, which our team is preparing to release to the market, is localized for English-speaking countries.

Software localization is the process of adapting software for another culture and language, translating the user interface, documentation and related files from one language to another.

At the moment, English language support has been added to the Webiomed platform in the following parts:

  • User account and all its sections, such as analytics, manual input of patient data, statistics on the main page, etc., have been fully translated.

  • A patient assessment page is available, which includes not only basic data about patients and risk factors for various diseases, but translated recommendations for patients and the physicians as well.

Webiomed_ оценка риска

You can learn more the company's products here: https://webiomed.ai/products/


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