17 января 2020

Webiomed project received a grant under the Mail.ru Start program

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As part of the Mail.ru Start program, we presented our Webiomed project and received a grant for the use of MCS cloud infrastructure in December 2019.

The Mail.ru Start program is a joint project of Mail.ru Cloud Solutions (MCS) and Skolkovo, which is aimed at supporting promising IT projects. The selection and evaluation of the best startups is carried out in several stages. First of all, grants are awarded to companies that can have the most tangible effect when moving to the clouds.

The transition to the cloud and grant support help companies organize R&D, increase the reliability of services, as well as reduce the cost of supporting low-level infrastructure. One of the advantages of using MCS is access to almost unlimited information resources and the best quality of services for Russian customers.

About Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions (MCS)

Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions (MCS) is a cloud infrastructure provided by the IaaS model for large corporations and medium and small businesses. MCS combines online services for cloud storage and corporate communications and marketing and is a part of the Mail.Ru platform for business.

With the help of Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions, you can place your infrastructure in a virtual data center, receiving high speed of launch of new IT solutions and round-the-clock Russian-language technical support. Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions TIER III data centers are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, which fully complies with the requirements of Federal Law 152 "On Personal Data".

MCS Website: https://mcs.mail.ru/

About Skolkovo Foundation

The Skolkovo Foundation is a non-profit organization established on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation in September 2010.

The purpose of the Foundation is to create an ecosystem for the development of entrepreneurship and research in the areas of energy efficiency and energy saving, nuclear energy, space, biomedicine, strategic computing and software.

The Fund is entrusted with the management of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, the activities of which are regulated by a special law providing special economic conditions for startups that have passed a special external technological examination (now more than 1,900 such startups).

In 2018, the revenue of Skolkovo's participating companies amounted to 91.9 billion rubles, the total revenue for the 9 years of the project's existence reached 301.1 billion rubles. 33 thousand people are employed in the startups. More than 1.300 developments and technological solutions are patented.

An important part of the Skolkovo ecosystem is the research university, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), established and operating with the support of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The construction of the infrastructure of the Skolkovo Information Center at the expense of the federal budget has been completed (the Technopark, the University, the Gymnasium, the infrastructure have been built). More than 600 thousand sq. m of objects are operating. In the next 3 years, this figure will double.

Website: www.sk.ru

Source (in Russian): https://www.searchengines.ru/mas-granti.html


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