23 октября 2018

WEBIOMED will be embedded into the Medarchive mobile applications

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K-MIS Company and Amedico (creator of the Medarchive platform) have signed an agreement on cooperation and joint promotion of digital health projects.

As part of the agreement, the integration of software for health automation K-MIS Company and  Medarchive remote monitoring platform will be carried out. The first goal is to integrate WEBIOMED (clinical decision support system) developed by K-MIS Company into Medarchive mobile applications used by patients and doctors during remote monitoring.

As a result of the integration, companies plan to offer the market several unique services for the digital transformation of healthcare and improving patient engagement. At the same time, the data will not just be transferred between software products, but it will be analyzed in real-time by AI technology in order to assess the risks of disease development.

The basic solution that companies will promote is the Medarchive patient remote monitoring platform, which works in conjunction with Webiomed. Patients will be given the opportunity to use developed mobile applications for free, with which they can make notes about their health status, automatically transfer data from wearable devices and receive an assessment of this data in real-time, including with constant monitoring of health and risk assessment. Data from the mobile application will be accumulated in a single platform and, in the future, transferred to an integrated electronic patient record in the regional medical information system.

More information about Medarchive is available here: https://www.medarhiv.ru


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