08 ноября 2018

WEBIOMED will be piloted on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia within the framework of the project "National Base of Medical Knowledge"

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WEBIOMED will be used in a pilot project of the National Health Knowledge Base of the Association of Developers and Users of Artificial Intelligence for Health.

Yamal will become a pilot region in the development and implementation of projects using Russian artificial intelligence systems for medicine and health care. A working meeting of relevant specialists of the YNAO Health Department, representatives of the National Base of Medical Knowledge Association of Developers and Users of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine was held in Salekhard at the site of the Medical Information and Analytical Center of YNAO.

Source (in Russian): http://sever-press.ru/2018/11/08/vtoroe-mnenie-jamalskie-mediki-pri-vybore-metodiki-lechenija-budut-prislushivatsja-k-iskusstvennomu-intellektu/

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