03 марта 2021

Artificial intelligence: predictive analytics of perinatal risks

5 586

Authors: Ivshin A.A., Gusev A.V., Novitskiy R.E.

Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology

Abstract : Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently become an object of interest for specialists from various fields of science and technology, including healthcare professionals. Significantly increased funding for the development of AI models confirms this fact. Advances in machine learning (ML), availability of large data sets, and increasing processing power of computers promote the implementation of AI in many areas of human activity. Being a type of AI, machine learning allows automatic development of mathematical models using large data sets. These models can be used to address multiple problems, such as prediction of various events in obstetrics and neonatology. Further integration of artificial intelligence in perinatology will facilitate the development of this important area in the future. This review covers the main aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning, their possible application in healthcare, potential limitations and problems, as well as outlooks in the context of AI integration into perinatal medicine.

Ivshin A.A., Gusev A.V., Novitskiy R.E. Artificial intelligence: predictive analytics of perinatal risks. Vopr. ginekol. akus. perinatol. (Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology). 2020; 19(6): 133–144. (In Russian). https://doi.org/10.20953/1726-1678-2020-6-133-144


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