31 августа 2023

Experience in the application of artificial intelligence technologies for the development of preventive health care on the example of the Kirov region. ManagerZdravoohranenia

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Kurdyumov D.A., Kashin A.V., Ryabov N.Yu., Novitsky R.E., Gusev A.V.


Healthcare is one of the priority sectors for the practical application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. In 2018, in the Kirov region, it was decided to launch its own regional project for the implementation of AI technologies in order to gain practical experience and understand the features, advantages and barriers to the use of AI. Improvement of preventive medicine was chosen as a priority direction.
The Russian predictive analytics platform Webiomed was chosen as the base software product. The project implementation included 3 stages: pilot testing in 2019–2020, commercial operation in the “second opinion” mode in 2021–2022. and implementation in the digital assistant mode, launched in 2023. As a result of the implementation of the 1st and 2nd stages of the project, it was possible to prove that the main advantage of AI in the analysis of big medical data is the autonomous and high accuracy of interpretation of the information available in it. An AI system for independently extracting the data necessary for analysis from electronic medical records, comparing them with data from past periods, assessing the dynamics of changes in health indicators, and identifying the emergence of dangerous trends and risk factors. Together, this allows the formation of the so-called “digital profiles” of patients, which in turn are a valuable resource for supporting management and clinical decision-making.

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Kurdyumov D.A., Kashin A.V., Ryabov N.Yu., Novitsky R.E., Gusev A.V. Experience in the application of artificial intelligence technologies for the development of preventive health care on the example of the Kirov region. ManagerZdravoohranenia. 2023; 6:62–69. DOI: 10.21045/1811-0185-2023-6-62-69


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