15 ноября 2022

Health Information System Maturity Assessment Methodology

3 361

Vladzimirsky A.V., Gusev A.V., Sharova D.E., Shulkin I.M., Popov A.A., Balashov M.K., Omelyanskaya O.V.,Vasilyev  Y.A.


There is a trend in the healthcare of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of various information systems, including medical information systems of medical organizations (MIS MO), aimed automation of diagnostic, treatment, administrative, auxiliary and other processes, as well as radiological information systems (RIS), designed to automate the service of radiation diagnostics and radiology. Many of the currently utilized MIS were developed 10 and more years ago, are based on different (sometimes not compatible) technological and architectural approaches, have a number of problems with interface convenience, integration with existing healthcare information systems, speed and quality of support from the developer company. In this context medical organizations face the
task of choosing MIS MO or RIS from the offers available on the market in order to replace the old system and / or implement a new solution. Without a unified methodology and evaluation criteria, such a choice is rather difficult and non-transparent. The authors of this article have developed and proposed a methodology that allows standardizing the assessment of the MIS MO and RIS maturity level to make decisions on the advisability of maintaining the current product or replacing it with solutions from other companies.

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Vladzimirsky A.V., Gusev A.V., Sharova D.E., Shulkin I.M., Popov A.A., Balashov M.K., Omelyanskaya O.V.,Vasilyev  Y.A. Health Information System Maturity Assessment Methodology. Medical doctor and information technology. 2022; 3: 68-86. doi: 10.25881/18110193_2022_3_68


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