27 августа 2021

We Were Nominated as a Top Big Data Company in Russian Federation by Data Magazine

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Data Magazine has published a list of companies that includes top picks of the best Russian Big Data companies.

These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovate the Big Data industry.

Data Magazines mission is to promote the greatest bleeding-edge companies, businesses, and innovations on the global stage and also to boost inbound investment into innovative companies and startups by addressing the information asymmetry between small innovative startups and institutional investors.

Companies were estimated and selected according to these categories:


  • Innovative ideas
  • Innovative route to market
  • Innovative product


  • Exceptional growth
  • Exceptional growth strategy


Societal impact

Our project Webiomed (the platform of predictive analytics and risk management in healthcare based on artificial intelligence) was included in this list. We got third place.

More information here: https://datamagazine.co.uk/46-best-russian-federation-big-data-startups-companies

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