The ‘Digital Medicine and Information Technologies in Health Care. Sechenov Digital Health Summit’ International Congress took place on October 12, 2021 on the site of the First Moscow State Medical University.
Forum delegates discussed issues of the use of digital technologies in healthcare and advanced developments at the intersection of medicine and IT.
The Webiomed project was presented at the Forum exhibition. The guests of DigitalITMed showed great interest in our developments: they discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the field of pediatrics, analysis of real-world data and the practical application of CDSS.
The Chief Medical Officer of Webiomed, Denis Gavrilov, made a report on the first results in the field of predicting events in cancer patients.
We have been working together with the Institute of Personalized Oncology (Professor Marina Sekacheva is the CEO of the institute) of the Sechenov University. The presented project included the analysis of EHR data of cancer patients and predictions during hospital stay using machine learning models. In the course of this work, we have obtained 22 physiological and laboratory indicators that affect the duration of hospitalization of cancer patients after surgery.
For the Webiomed project, it is very important to collaborate with leading research institutions of the country and develop new directions for application of the artificial intelligence technology.
The ‘Healthcare 2.0. The main trends in healthcare development for 2021-2025’ panel discussion was attended by Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Business Development Officer.
Website of the event: