21 декабря 2020

Perinatal risk assessment algorithm has been added to Webiomed

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An algorithm that helps doctors determine perinatal risk has been added to the new version of the Webiomed.DHRA clinical decision support system.

High-quality and affordable specialized medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and in the postpartum period, as well as care for newborn children, should be provided on the basis of developed regional patient routing schemes. They should allow providing a differentiated medical examination and treatment depending on the degree of risk of complications, taking into account the structure, bed capacity, and the level of equipment and provision of medical organizations with qualified personnel.

Perinatal risk stratification is a key factor in patient routing.

The K-SkAI team of experts and developers has added a predictive algorithm for assessing perinatal risk to the Webiomed system. It is based on recommendations, described in the Procedure for providing medical care to women during pregnancy, approved by the Order No. 1130n of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 20, 2020, goes into effect from 01 January 2021.

This predictive algorithm for assessing perinatal risk takes into account the peculiarities of a woman's anamnesis, her obstetric complications, and concomitant extragenital diseases and automates the process of allocating pregnant women, women in labor, and postpartum women into low, medium, and high-risk groups.

Obstetrics Risks

The implemented automatic identification of the risk group in the indicated categories of patients will allow the timely provision of sensible medical care based on the relevant patient routing scheme developed in the region, which will have a beneficial effect on obstetric outcomes in terms of reducing maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.


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