From October 1 to October 2, 2020, the Relevant Issues of Improving Medical Care. Karelian Pearl VII Medical Forum (Petrozavodsk) was held online.
The Medical Forum is held on the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karelia, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor (The Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing) in the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk State University, and the public organization Medical Council of the Republic of Karelia. More than 500 specialists from the Republic of Karelia visit the forum annually.
Our medical expert, Ph.D. Alexander Ivshin made a presentation on Predictive analytics of perinatal risk.
In his report, Alexander spoke about the problems of assessing perinatal risk and the prospects for forecasting with the implementation of machine learning methods.
“The use of artificial intelligence technologies makes it possible to automatically generate mathematical models on large data sets and use them to solve urgent problems, including predicting various events in obstetrics and neonatology. Further integration of artificial intelligence in perinatology will contribute to the development of this important area of medicine in the future, ” stated Alexander.
About the forum (in Russian):