16 октября 2020

We took part in a round table on immersive medicine

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On October 15, as a part of the Biotechmed conference, IMMERSIVE MEDICINE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE APPLICATION OF GADGETS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VR session was held. Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Business Development Officer, took part in it.

The term ‘immersivity’ (‘immersive’: " providing, involving, or characterized by deep absorption or immersion in something") is a way of perception that determines the factor of changing consciousness. The concept of ‘immersivity’ is usually defined by immersion in certain, artificially formed conditions.

Regulator representatives, developers, industry representatives, and academia representatives participated in the discussion.

The issues of implementation of various technologies in healthcare, including the use of AI, were discussed.

Immersive Medicine

Alexander Gusev“Today, the leading trends are everything related to digital transformation, 4P medicine, the development of predictive medicine, which increases patient engagement in treatment.
All this undoubtedly contributes to a decrease in morbidity, mortality and, in general, the burden on health care,” stated Alexander Gusev

About the "Biotechmed" conference 

The Biotechmed Conference is a key event in the field of biotechnology. The Forum traditionally brings together heads of federal and regional departments, representatives of large and medium-sized enterprises, representatives of state development institutions and academic community, private investors, and entrepreneurs. This year the event was held online.

Conference website: https://biotechmedconf.ru/

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