15 сентября 2020

Webiomed is the winner of the "100 ideas for development of Karelia" contest

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Webiomed, the artificial intelligence project for healthcare is the winner of the "100 ideas for the development of Karelia" contest.

K-SkAI company will receive support from the Venture Investment Fund and the Ministry of Economic Development of Karelia.

On September 12, in the Tochka Kipeniya space, the final of the 100 ideas for the development of Karelia innovation contest took place.

157 applications came to the contest, 132 of them were submitted to the jury. The competition set the task of finding innovative projects and ideas in Karelia that could help the development of the republic. The main evaluation criteria were: the urgency of the problem, how innovative it is, whether it understands the market and the competence of the project team.

The contest was organized with the support of the Venture Investment Fund of the Republic of Karelia and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Karelia.

12 participants made it to the final, who presented their projects in four nominations: Digital Economy, Social Significant Innovation, Youth Innovation Project, and Innovation in Priority Areas. The jury chose the best project of the entire competition as well.
 A Gusev

The Webiomed AI project for healthcare won the Innovation in Priority Areas category and was named the best project of the entire competition.

The company will receive grants of 100 and 200 thousand rubles for the implementation of its project, as well as support from the Venture Investment Fund and the Ministry of Economic Development of Karelia.

The Webiomed system allows you to automatically analyze various medical data, identify risk factors and suspected cases of diseases, as well as generate forecasts based on them, which contain a comprehensive assessment of the likelihood of developing various diseases and the patient's consequent death.

The system’s operation is based on its own comprehensive methodology for determining the risks of developing diseases and their complications. The system aims to create an effective digital assistant for doctors and patients that will help prevent possible diseases.

Currently, the Webiomed system has been implemented in a number of medical organizations in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region, Kirov Region, and the Republic of Karelia.

The company has been a resident of Skolkovo since August 2019.

In the summer of 2020, the Webiomed project became one of the winners of the AstraZeneca - Skolkovo StartUp Challenge 2020

Alexander GusevAlexander Gusev, Webiomed founder:
- I thank the organizers a lot for their support. It seems to me that it is important for any entrepreneur to be recognized in their region, at home. This will fuel our desire to stay in Karelia and create more jobs here. Such contests and support programs are an excellent motivation for the Karelian innovation businesses, motivation to create and achieve success.

  Boris ValitBoris Valit, Head of the Karelia Venture Investment Fund:
- Personally, I really want the project to become international, but to remain with a Karelian heart and soul. So stay with us, be the king! And we, for our part, will provide all-round support.

Reference Information

The K-SkAI group of companies has been a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center since 2019. The company is a developer of Webiomed, predictive analytics and risk management system in healthcare based on artificial intelligence.

Source (in Russian): https://startup.karelia.ru/

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