03 ноября 2020

WEBIOMED system wins Sanofi innovative projects competition

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The Sanofi company together with the Skolkovo Foundation on October 30 summed up the results of the competition of healthcare innovative projects.

Sanofi is one of the leading companies in the Russian pharmaceutical market, offering its patients a wide range of original medicines and generics in key therapeutic areas such as diabetes, oncology, immunology, cardiovascular diseases, internal diseases, vaccine prevention, and rare diseases.

The main goal of the organizers of the competition together with the authors of the projects is to create innovative solutions for doctors and patients with chronic diseases, as well as to implement big data management and optimize business processes. The winners of the competition will be able to launch a pilot project with Sanofi.

A total of 150 applications were received for the competition. The experts selected 10 finalists who presented their projects as part of the online demo day.

Our Webiomed project was among the 3 winners of the competition.

Sanofi contest

Andrey Salikov "We are very glad to become one of the winners of this prestigious competition and would like to thank the organizers, members of the jury, and everyone who celebrates and supports us.

Thanks to this victory, we have great prospects for cooperation with one of the leading pharmaceutical companies on the Russian market opened up for us," noted Andrey Salikov, the Chief Commercial Officer of Webiomed .

Source (in Russian): https://sk.ru/news/obyavleny-itogi-sovmestnogo-konkursa-skolkovo-i-sanofi/

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