25 октября 2019

Webiomed team engaged in the work of the Open Innovations Forum

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From October 21 to 23, the VIII International Forum of Innovative Development Open Innovations took place in the Skolkovo Technopark. The event is organized in Moscow annually since 2012, and the number of participants is constantly growing. This year, more than 20,000 people visited Open Innovations. Over 150 business sessions took place at the Forum in three days.

The program of the forum was extensive. The issues of using AI technologies in different fields, including healthcare, were discussed. Topics related to life science, machine learning, and big data were not left out as well. Workshops on team building, strategies, and tactics of entering world markets, finding an investor, etc. were held for startups. A huge number of interesting speakers were invited to the event, many of whom could be contacted in person.

A very important part of the forum was live communication. The organizers have made a convenient service in which you can make an appointment with a forum participant, find an investor, supplier, or buyer.

The team of the Webiomed CDSS project, consisting of Serova Larisa and Guseva Anna, engaged in the event. We presented our software product Webiomed at the company's stand.

Open Innovations

Alexander Gusev, our expert spoke at the Artificial Intelligence as a tool for digitalization of medicine session. The participants of the session answered important questions about the main barriers to the introduction of AI, gave examples of the use and effectiveness of this technology. Video of the session is available at https://youtu.be/DATu90iRYA8 (in Russian).

Alexander Gusev on the AI session

The final of the Patent Power competition took place as part of the forum, in which our team took part. This competition was organized by the Skolkovo Foundation, Bayer, and Rospatent. The aim of the competition was to select biotech startups with high potential for intellectual property protection.

Patent Power Competition

More than 60 projects took part in the competition. 10 solutions were admitted to the finals of the competition, including CDSS Webiomed.

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