02 декабря 2020

Webiomed.DHRA is included in the Unified Register of Russian software

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The software for predictive analytics and risk management in healthcare based on artificial intelligence Webiomed.DHRA is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases.

The corresponding order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of November 30, 2020, No. 634 (Appendix 1, No. 79, register No. 7398) is published on the register website.

Webiomed.DHRA is a web service for analyzing depersonalized patient data from EHR using artificial intelligence methods (expert systems, machine learning).

The basic principle of this service operation is as follows:

  1. Any MIS (medical information system) collects a packet with the patient's medical data and sends it via the Internet to the system API.
  2. In response, the MIS receives the results of analyzing this data in order to identify suspicions of various diseases and their complications, establish risk factors for the presence or development of diseases, as well as the final assessments of the patient's risk groups (the so-called risk stratification).
  3. Based on the results of the analysis, Webiomed.DHRA generates individual clinical recommendations based on approved national and international recommendations. As a result, the system is able to provide full support for clinical decision-making, strengthening preventive medicine in the health care system.
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