01 ноября 2019

Deep and machine learning models to improve risk prediction of cardiovascular disease using data extraction from electronic health records

4 580

Korsakov I., Gusev A., Kuznetsova T., Gavrilov D., Novitskiy R.

European Heart Journal • Volume 40 • Issue Supplement_1 • October 2019

Abstract: Advances in precision medicine will require an increasingly individualized prognostic evaluation of patients in order to provide the patient with appropriate therapy. The traditional statistical methods of predictive modeling, such as SCORE, PROCAM, and Framingham, according to the European guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, not adapted for all patients and require significant human involvement in the selection of predictive variables, transformation and imputation of variables. In ROC-analysis for prediction of significant cardiovascular disease (CVD), the areas under the curve for Framingham: 0.62–0.72, for SCORE: 0.66–0.73 and for PROCAM: 0.60–0.69. To improve it, we apply for approaches to predict a CVD event rely on conventional risk factors by machine learning and deep learning models to 10-year CVD event prediction by using longitudinal electronic health record (EHR). Access: https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehz748.0670

Korsakov I., Gusev A., Kuznetsova T., Gavrilov D., Novitskiy R. Deep and machine learning models to improve risk prediction of cardiovascular disease using data extraction from electronic health records // European Heart Journal, Volume 40, Issue Supplement_1, October 2019, ehz748.0670


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