25 октября 2021

On the future of medicine, machine learning, and AI in the book "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine" by Eric Topol

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The Alpina Publisher has released Eric Topol's book Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, where he speaks about the future of medicine once again, this time, the book is dedicated to machine learning.

Eric Topol is one of the most cited medical scientists. He is an innovative digital technology practitioner, a practicing cardiologist, a professor of genomics and director of the Scripps Institute for Translational Research (La Jolla, California). He is the author of the Creative Destruction of Medicine book.

Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Business Development Officer, is the academic editor of the book.

Александр Гусев "The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has recently become more popular than almost all other areas of healthcare development, including robotics, genome sequencing, and much more. Hundreds of startups around the world are vying with each other to offer their AI-based products, promising at times to save humanity from physicians. The volume of investment in this area hits new records every quarter. An explosive growth of AI technology is not new, as researchers have been dealing with this topic since the 1940s.

Are we seeing another soap bubble or has AI really come into healthcare and will soon become as indispensable and familiar as an EKG or a tomograph? What is the real value of AI products, and what is just advertising nonsense and even speculation? Why is deep machine learning so promising for real clinical practice?

What areas of healthcare can truly benefit from AI? What is the issue of ethics, accuracy, validity, and interpretability of AI algorithms from a physician's point of view? These and many questions require a detailed thoughtful answer, and, alas, we cannot trust technical specialists and the advertising statements of the supplier companies, because, in fact, human life and the future of medicine as a profession are at stake.

That is why the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine book by Eric Topol, a recognized world expert, practitioner and techno-optimist, is your unique chance to get a trustworthy and in-depth review of this topic, convincing examples and links to leading research publications," stated Alexander Gusev.

You can order this book in Russian here: https://www.litres.ru/erik-topol/iskusstvennyy-intellekt-v-medicine-kak-umnye-tehnologii-menyaut/


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