30 октября 2019

Artificial intelligence will be used in clinical practice in Karelia

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The Leaders of Karelia 2019 contest has ended. This year organizers of the competition received more than 260 applications for participation.

The stages of selecting leaders are quite complex: a few qualifying rounds, semifinals, seminars, training for finalists. 29 participants presented their projects. 16 participants were admitted to the superfinal, but only 10 were recognized as winners.

The head of our Karelian pilot project of the introduction of artificial intelligence into clinical practice was one of the winners of the Leaders of Karelia competition. This is the chief doctor of the Polyclinic of Kondopoga Pulp and Paper Plant JSC Saleh Riyad Madani.

Saleh Riyad Madani

Source: vk.com/lider_rk

The project will use our Webiomed CDSS to assess the risks and predict cardiovascular disease in patients. The system uses methods of artificial intelligence, which will increase the accuracy of diagnosis, provide personalized information to improve the quality of prevention and, consequently, the lives of patients.

About the Leaders of Karelia project

The project Leaders of Karelia was conceived and implemented in 2018 at the initiative of the Head of the Republic of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov in order to identify and support the most promising leaders of the country, to attract new ways to solve social problems of talented managers with a high level of leadership and managerial competencies.

Source (in Russian): http://tv-karelia.ru/stali-izvestnyi-itogi-konkursa-lideryi-karelii-2019/

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