09 августа 2021

Overview of global trends in digital healthcare on the Urait platform

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Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Development Officer, made a presentation at the educational workshop on Trends and Challenges of Digital Health Development. The event was organized on the Urait (Юрайт) platform.

Urait platform is an educational resource, an electronic library and an online store where users can read and buy electronic and printed textbooks of leading universities’ professors for all levels of professional education. What is more, the platform contains video and audio materials, tests for students and services for teachers.

The report provided a brief overview of global trends in digital health, including investment dynamics, the shift from automation of internal processes to digital transformation, as well as several cases illustrating the current state of development of markets and digital health products.

Recording of the workshop (in Russian): https://urait.ru/events/2088

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