23 сентября 2019

The pilot project of artificial intelligence introduction in health care of YNAO became the prizewinner of the Prof-IT competition

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The results of the PROF-IT.2019 Nationwide competition of regional computerization are summed up. This year the competition took place in Belgorod. The finalists of the competition defended regional computerization projects in 12 nominations.


Implementation of artificial intelligence systems for healthcare project (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) became the winner in the nomination Best Innovative Project of the PROF-IT.2019 competition.

Earlier this year, a project was implemented in Yamal to introduce a clinical decision support system and the application of artificial intelligence methods in clinical practice and preventive medicine. The project started in Muravlenko town in December 2018.

The results were presented at a research-to-practice conference on artificial intelligence in healthcare, which took place in early April in Salekhard.

The use of the Webiomed Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) has identified a list of patients in need of additional examination and clarification of risk factors, clinical manifestations of cardiovascular disease.

The use of Botkin.Ai CDSS has increased the detection of patients with cancer at an early stage.

Source (in Russian): http://d-russia.ru/pobediteli-konkursa-regionalnoj-informatizatsii-prof-it-2019.html

About the forum

The Nationwide Forum "PROF-IT" is held annually since 2013 by the Expert Center of the electronic state with the support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.


The objective of the Forum is to create innovations, solutions, and effective practices in the IT industry that are of practical importance for the implementation of the tasks of regional computerization and development of economic sectors.

PROF-IT is the first platform in Russia that combines best practices and knowledge in the field of regional and народные computerization. Every year it is visited by the heads of IT departments of most regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and federal authorities.

In just 6 years, delegations from 85 regions of the country visited the PROF-IT. During this period, 829 regional and municipal computerization projects were submitted to the competition, and 51 regions won PROF-IT awards.

This year, the organizing committee established an additional nomination, in which five regions received "PROF-IT.2019" prizes for the best "people's" projects based on the results of voting of citizens, residents of the regions.

Additional information (in Russian): http://2019.prof-it.d-russia.ru/

Source (in Russian): http://d-russia.ru/vii-vserossijskij-forum-federalnoj-i-regionalnoj-informatizatsii-prof-it-2019-kak-eto-bylo.html

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