18 февраля 2021

We took part in the "ITM-AI 2021"

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ITM-AI 2021 National Research and Practice Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Clinical Decision Support Systems was held online on February 17-18, 2021. The conference is annual, this year it was held for the fifth time.

The use of mathematical models for complex analytics in health care and artificial intelligence technologies was discussed during the conference.

Pavel Pugachev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, noted that from the point of view of the Ministry of Health, cardiovascular diseases are a priority, and it is necessary to introduce AI technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases. Moreover, primary care and the identification of high-risk patients are some of the most important tasks.

Alexander Gusev, Webiomed Chief Business Development Officer made a presentation at the AI and CDSS in healthcare, national priorities: roadmap, technologies, expertise, approaches to implementation session.

In his report, Alexander spoke about the prospects for the use of predictive analytics as well as trends, market dynamics, and main effects. He talked about how the use of big data, mathematical analysis, and modeling will help to identify and understand patterns of historical data, predict future events, and make better decisions.

Alexander Gusev, ITM-AI 2021
Conference website: https://itm-ai.ru/



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