09 октября 2019

Webiomed is a grand prix nominee as Startup of the Year at the Digital Health Awards

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Webiomed CDSS was among the nominees for the Digital Health Awards Grand Prix as a Startup of the Year.

19 experts from 16 publications voted for the best projects in digital medicine. There are specialists from Kommersant, RB, VC, Medvednik and Pharmvestnik, Vademecum, Remedium, Health Mail.ru, Bionika Media Publishing House, Medportal, Medrussia, Aktion-ICFER media group, Russian Doctor Publishing House, Telemedicine and e-Health Journal, the Qualitative Clinical Practice journal and the MED-info project.

The winner in each category will be selected by secret ballot. The announcement of the results and the presentation of awards will take place on October 14, 2019.

It is a very good result for us. Our finalist colleagues are truly the leading digital healthcare startups in our country.

Thanks to the organizers and everyone who pointed us out and supported us!

About Prize

Digital Health Awards is a professional award for the best digital healthcare projects. The organizer of this award is the world's largest Russian-language platform for doctors, Doktor Na Rabote (Doctor at Work).

Source (in Russian): https://www.digitalhealthawards.ru/nominees

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