20 сентября 2019

The map “Artificial Intelligence in Russian Health Care”

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One of the most promising areas of digital health development is artificial intelligence.

There are new developments and researches that offer the implementation of these technologies for medicine and healthcare in our country.

Which of them has come to practical implementation? What specific examples of effectiveness can be used to demonstrate? What are the leading regions in our country?

We collected information about the practical experience of the real implementation and application of AI-based systems in the healthcare system of the Russia for an answer to these questions.

As a result, we have information from 22 regions that have some practical experience in this area. 

map 1. Moscow

Nowadays, This is the main leader in the number of projects for the AI implementation  in medicine. Due to the fact that most of the development teams are concentrated here, as well as the most Federal research institutes and major medical centers are located in Moscow.

In our opinion, the largest and most interesting project is the development of the radiology service of Moscow and the use of AI methods for this, headed by Professor Sergey Morozov, https://rg.ru/2019/09/03/iskusstvennyj-intellekt-pomozhet-izbegat-oshibok-pri-diagnostike-raka.html

Other examples of AI application in Moscow medical organizations:

2. Vologda 

XGEN Implementations  

3. Volgograd

WEBIOMED  implementation -pilot project.

4. Voronezh

Implementation of the system "Fluorography-DL" for processing the results of chest photofluorography, https://futurerussia.gov.ru/nacionalnye-proekty/1000987

5. Kaluga

The «Celsus» system pilot project. It uses a neural network to identify pathological focus in radiography and computed tomography, https://rb.ru/longread/aicancercelsus/
6. Karelia

The project of CDSS implementation  using  MeDiCase AI methods to provide medical care for residents of sparsely populated and remote from district centers villages and settlements, https://www.miloserdie.ru/article/starikam-zdes-mesto-mozhno-li-spravitsya-s-katastrofoj-v-selskih-bolnitsah/

Pilot Implementation  of CDSS Webiomed. The system  allows to identify patients at high risk and death from CVD.

7. Kamchatka

The Medicase  implementation 

8. Kemerovo

Implementations of CDSS XGEN.

9. Kirov

The regional pilot project of CDSS Webiomed implementation https://webiomed.ai/nashi-proekty/kirov/

10. Krasnoyarsk

Introduction of CDSS Sapia It uses AI to predict acute pancreatitis development

11. Murmansk

 Botkin.Ai pilot project in Murmansk regional clinical hospital, https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/5070953

12. Novosibirsk 

Application of neural networks for melanoma detection, http://www.nanonewsnet.ru/news/2019/sozdano-prilozhenie-s-pomoshchyu-kotorogo-mozhno-obnaruzhit-melanomu

13. Novgorod 

Botkin.AI pilot project in Novgorod regional clinical Oncology hospital, https://pharmvestnik.ru/content/news/Pilotnyi-proekt-s-ispolzovaniem-iskusstvennogo-intellekta-pozvolil-naiti-rak-legkih.html

14. Orel 

The Medicase  implementation 

15. Perm 

Development and research for creating a robot assistant, https://medvestnik.ru/content/news/Permskie-razrabotchiki-gotovy-predstavit-pervogo-otechestvennogo-robota-vracha.html

16. Sverdlovsk

AI for diagnostics and comprehensive health assessment in Sverdlovsk Oncology center, https://rg.ru/2019/09/03/reg-urfo/na-urale-diagnostikoj-raka-zajmetsia-iskusstvennyj-intellekt.html

17. Saint-Petersburg

The work of scientists of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University together with doctors of the Oncology center in Pesochny. They  created an intelligent system for diagnosing lungs tumors - Doctor AIzimov, https://doctorpiter.ru/articles/21170/ and https://medrussia.org/25853-rossiyskie-uchyonie-2

Implementation of the Care Mentor AI system in the City Mariinsky hospital, https://nevnov.ru/691350-mariinskaya-bolnica-osvaivaet-iskusstvennyi-intellekt

18. Tatarstan

The project FtizisBioMed http://ftizisbiomed.ru/

19. Tomsk 

Implementation of bigdata-based cardiovascular disaster prediction system, https://www.riatomsk.ru/article/20181120/prognoz-infarkta-skoraya-tomsk/

20. Tula

Pilot operation Botkin.AI in several medical organizations to search for missed cancers in x-rays, https://tula.mk.ru/social/2018/12/25/platforma-botkin-budet-protestirovana-v-tulskoy-oblasti.html

21. Yaroslavl 

The artificial intelligence system that helps doctors during endoscopic examination to diagnose stomach cancer at the earliest stage, in Yaroslavl regional clinical Oncology hospital, https://rb.ru/interview/ai-cancer/

22. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

AI-based implementation project: Webiomed and Botkin.AI.


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