Development and validation of machine learning models predicting hospitalizations of hypertensive patients over 12 months
Andreychenko A. E., Ermak A. D., Gavrilov D. V., Novitsky R. E., Drapkina O. M., Gusev A. V.
The results of a retrospective study to evaluate efficiency of combined use of azilsartan medoxomil + amlodipine vs. perindopril + amlodipine in patients with various degrees of hypertension in relation to cardiovascular events (EDARGO-CV)
Efremova Yu.E., Kaftanov A.N., Gavrilov D.V., Arutyunov G.P.
Artificial intelligence on the doorstep of the laboratory
Evgina SA, Gusev AV, Shamanskiy MB, Godkov MA.
Algorithm for forming a suspicion of a new coronavirus infection based on the analysis of symptoms for use in medical decision support systems
Gavrilov D.V., Kirilkina A. V.2, Serova L. M.