15 марта 2021

Overview of Russian AI products in healthcare

3 382

Alexander Gusev,
Chief Business Development Officer

Update date: 15 March 2021

According to Markets And Markets, the global healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) market will grow from $ 4.9 billion in 2020 to $45.2 billion by 2026. The average annual market growth is 44.9%. About 3 thousand startups in the world offer their products and services in this area.

The growth of interest in AI is due to several trends at once: the emergence of powerful graphics processors and the growth of computing power of modern computers, the development of cloud computing, the explosive growth of big data. These technologies have made it possible to perform machine learning with high model accuracy, which in turn has opened up numerous examples of successful process automation and the prospects for digital transformation with the possibility of reducing healthcare costs.

In recent years, we have seen steady growth in venture capital investment in healthcare startups using artificial intelligence technologies. According to CB Insights, investor interest in AI for medicine and healthcare is one of the highest in the digital healthcare market. In 2020, the total investment in this area amounted to $6.627 billion (397 transactions). For comparison, it was $4.129 billion (367 transactions) in 2019 and $ 2.7 billion and 264 transactions in 2018.


By Decree of the President of Russia No. 490 dated 10.10.2019, the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Russian Federation up to 2030 was approved. It is aimed at making Russia one of the leading countries in the field of AI. One of the key directions of the strategy is the development of the market for AI-based healthcare software products in the country.
Currently, we have found information about 30 different AI systems for medicine and healthcare created in our country.

Existing products can be grouped into several main groups:

  1. Medical image analysis using computer vision technologies
  2. Digital diagnostics, including differential diagnostics
  3. Prevention of conditions, diseases and complications
  4. Assistance in treatment, including selection and control of therapy
  5. Other

Medical image analysis

№    Solution     Website
1 Botkin.ai. The platform is designed to automatically detect pathological manifestations in X-ray studies, CT, MRI, and mammograms http://botkin.ai
2 Care Mentor AI. An artificial intelligence system for interpreting the results of radiation studies (X-ray, CT, MRI and mammography) in order to optimize the detection of various pathological conditions at an early stage http://carementor.ru/
3 Celsus. A system that allows identifying pathological foci in X-ray and CT https://celsus.ai/
4 Third Opinion. The company is developing an interface for recognizing blood cell types in collaboration with oncology clinics, as well as developing software for medical image analysis of lung radiography, mammography, CT and ultrasound  https://3opinion.ru/
5 CoBrain-Аналитика. A platform that aims to combine breakthrough technologies at the intersection of medicine and machine learning algorithms in the field of diagnostics https://cobrain.ai/ru
6 RADLogics. An AI-based medical image analysis software platform to enhance the wisdom of radiology and improve patient outcomes and radiologists' performance https://radlogics.ru/
7 Diagnocat. The system recognizes tomographic dental examinations, helps to make a diagnosis and gives doctors recommendations for treatment https://diagnocat.com/
8 Pirogov.AI. Diagnostics by endoscopic photos and video images in otorhinolaryngology  https://pirogov.ai/
9 Doctor Tomo. Intelligent technology for early diagnosis of lung cancer pathologies based on computed tomography data http://doctor-tomo.ru/
10 Analysis of fluorograms. The service is able to analyze digital fluorographic images and identify http://www.ftizisbiomed.ru/
11 Doctor AIzimov. Analyzes computed tomography images for oncological pathology     MedRussia news
12 Check Melanoma. Analyzes photos of moles to identify suspected malignant tumors     News about the project
13 Anna Project. Created a range of services for working with digital images, including the use of AI to search for pathologies and automated filling out of protocols http://mri-ai.com/
14 Prorodinki. Identification of malignant formations on the skin from photos http://melanoma.academy/prorodinki/
15 CheckDerm. High-tech online solution for the rapid analysis of skin problems and their recognition using artificial intelligence https://checkderm.ru/
16 Osteoscan. Helps to determine the possible stage of osteoarthritis of the knee joints based on the analysis of an X-ray of the joint and accompanying symptoms https://osteoscan.ru/
17 OneCell. The telemedicine complex with AI for pathological laboratories to speed up the process of diagnosing oncological diseases, while maintaining a high level of reliability of the results due to its own modern equipment https://www.onecell.ai/

Digital diagnostics

Solution      Website
1 UNIM.  A developer of a software platform for pathomorphological diagnostics and a large diagnostic operator; uses AI to support clinical decision making https://unim.su/
2 Skychain Global. A platform for creating AI solutions for medicine, including data analysis and pathology detection https://skychain.global/?lang=ru
3 ATP Deep Learning. Оnline service for determining the status of coronary artery disease using neural networks https://atpdeeplearning.ru/
4 Respiro. Service for acoustic diagnostics of respiratory diseases and COVID-19 https://www.respiro.life/ru


№   Solution Website
1 Webiomed. A predictive analytics platform and machine learning-based healthcare risk management. The first artificial intelligence system in Russia, registered by Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Rozdravnadzor) as a software medical device https://webiomed.ai/
2 MeDiCase. The system of pre-medical diagnostics of acute and chronic diseases using AI methods, which helps to carry out the initial examination of the patient, make decisions on the need for an in-person examination, call an ambulance, monitor the course of chronic diseases   http://medicase.newdiamed.ru/
3 Sapia. A clinical decision support system for assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis. It allows assessing the severity of the disease in the early stages of admission to the hospital judging by lab tests http://rd-science.com/ru/
4 Software calculator for predicting the recurrence of Cushing's disease within 3 years after endoscopic transnasal adenomectomy based on an artificial neural network http://medcalc.appspot.com/
5 A software calculator for calculating the final achieved height and its SDS in patients with growth hormone deficiency based on mathematical models of artificial neural networks http://alfa-endo.ru/page/calc


№   Solution Website
1 Droice Labs. A  digital assistant embedded in medical information systems to help clinicians make better decisions  https://droicelabs.com/
2 Lexema-Medicine. Specialized CDSS for prescribing personalized therapy using artificial intelligence algorithms  http://lexema.ru/solutions/lexema-medicine//


№  Solution Website
1 Speech Technology Center. Uses AI technology to automate HER input using automatic voice recognition https://www.speechpro.ru/
2 Medframe. An e-learning system for medicine has three areas: a platform for interactive courses, a data labeling system, and a learning management system (LMS) https://medframe.io/
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