31 января 2018

Top 10 Articles on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

2 128

Alexander Gusev,
Chief Business Development Officer

Artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning have entered the healthcare digitalization industry quickly and firmly as one of the key drivers and development directions for the coming years. Along with telemedicine, this is one of the most popular topics in the media. The number of messages and discussions about another new revolutionary solution for medicine, built based on artificial intelligence methods, is planned or has already been created is constantly growing.

We have prepared for you 10 of the most interesting articles on this topic that in our opinion deserve to be paid attention to.

  1. The great awakening of artificial intelligence. The New York Times Magazine published an article describing how Google Translate learned to translate almost like a human, what is artificial intelligence, and what does it have to do with cats and the Chinese room.  The vc.ru has published a Russian translation of the article. Eng: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/magazine/the-great-ai-awakening.html?_r=0; Rus: https://vc.ru/21767-the-great-ai-awakening;
  2. How artificial intelligence will change healthcare in 5 years. Norman Vinarski, co-founder of Siri and consultant at SRI Ventures, spoke about the future of healthcare in five years, taking into account the impact of artificial intelligence. Eng: https://venturebeat.com/2017/07/23/what-ai-enhanced-healthcare-could-look-like-in-5-years/; Rus: https://rb.ru/story/future-of-ai-healthcare/;
  3. Artificial intelligence and clinical decisions. Sergey Sorokin, CEO of Intellogik and founder of Botkin.AI spoke about the capabilities of artificial intelligence in supporting clinical decision-making and diagnostics development. Rus: https://www.if24.ru/iskin-i-vrachebnoe-reshenie/;
  4. Andrew Ng's algorithm outperforms radiologists diagnosing pneumonia. A team at Stanford University led by Andrew Ng has developed a deep learning algorithm that outperforms experienced radiologists in diagnosing pneumonia from x-rays. Eng: https://news.stanford.edu/2017/11/15/algorithm-outperforms-radiologists-diagnosing-pneumonia/; Rus: https://hightech.fm/2017/11/16/pneumonia-algorithm;
  5. Artificial intelligence can already heal as well as doctors: AI development trends in medicine. Ilya Popov, a member of industry working groups under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Business Russia, spoke about the trends in AI development in pharmaceuticals and medicine and gave forecasts for 2018. Rus: https://rb.ru/opinion/trendy-razvitiya-ai-v-farme/;
  6. Artificial intelligence will help make diagnoses in all hospitals in China. Medical AI platforms can make even the most complex diagnoses with 85% accuracy and prescribe cancer treatment regimens that are 96% in line with the opinion of the best doctors in China, according to China Daily. Rus: https://hightech.fm/2017/10/11/ai-china-diagnostic;
  7. Artificial intelligence: a revolution or a new marketing ploy? A review of opinions of various experts on the topic of artificial intelligence. Rus: https://www.crn.ru/numbers/spec-numbers/detail.php?ID=123946;
  8. The fallacies of artificial intelligence. Every day we can hear that artificial intelligence will solve all our problems: from self-driving cars to cancer treatment. At the same time, some scientists and industry captains, such as Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, believe that artificial intelligence poses an existential threat to humanity. Where the truth and what hides under the term of AI? Computer Science specialist Anatoly Gershman speaks about the main myths surrounding AI. Rus: https://postnauka.ru/faq/80051;
  9. The most interesting AI solutions and projects of 2017. One of the brightest IT trends of the past year was the rapid development of services using machine learning technologies and artificial intelligence systems (Artificial Intelligence, AI) based on neural networks. We recall the most original and promising software solutions in this area. Rus: https://3dnews.ru/963472/;
  10. Google has introduced an open source AI tool for precision medicine. The company has created DeepVariant, a tool that can be used to improve the accuracy of genomic sequencing, available through Google Cloud. Eng: https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/google-makes-ai-tool-precision-medicine-open-source; Rus: https://medring.ru/news/119-google-predstavila-instrument-ii-dlja-precizionnoi-mediciny-s-otkrytym-ishodnym-kodom.html.
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