05 июля 2021

Predictive analytics in healthcare systems

1 786

EverCare has published an analytical report on predictive analytics in healthcare systems of Russia and the world. The report presented trends and examples of the development of this sector of digital health.

The document describes problems of modern healthcare, including 5 factors that directly affect the efficiency and quality of medical care:

-    low quality and accessibility of medical services
-    underfunding
-    low level of citizens' confidence in the healthcare system
-    shortage of highly qualified medical personnel
-    low managerial qualifications of leaders of healthcare organizations

The WebioMed system is included in the list of examples of ready-made developments in this area.

The report can be downloaded from the Evecare website (in Russian): https://evercare.ru/news/prognoznaya-analitika-v-sisteme-zdravookhraneniya

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